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Fig. 1. Enhanced 3-Hz thalamic rhythms in Git1-/- mice are normalized by amphetamine. (A and B) Local field potential (LFP) in the 3-Hz frequency range is enhanced in the ventrobasal thalamus of Git1-/- mice, while LFP in 7~10 Hz range is decreased, as shown by the power spectral density (30~40 min) (B). Representative traces are shown in (A). n=5 (WT), 4 (KO). (C and D) Amphetamine (amph) rescues enhanced 3-Hz thalamic rhythms in Git1-/- mice, but enhances these rhythms in wild-type mice. n=7 (WT), 6 (KO). (E) Wild-type mice exhibit increased 3-Hz thalamic oscillations upon amphetamine treatment, while (F) enhanced thalamic oscillation in 3-Hz range of Git1-/- mice are alleviated by the same drug. n=7 (WT), 6 (KO). *p < 0.05, n.s., not significant; Student's t-test.
Exp Neurobiol 2015;24:126~132
© Exp Neurobiol