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Fig. 4. Reactiveness of astrocytes induced by virus infection. (a) Immunohistochemistry and sholl analysis images of cell infected by lenti-GFP. (b) Immunohistochemistry and sholl analysis images of cell infected by AAV-GFP. (c) Sum of intersections of uninfected cells and infected cells within region injected lenti-GFP. Analysis was performed by ImageJ. The numbers in each bar are the total number of analyzed cells in each group. Student's t-test (*p>o.o5). (d) Sum of intersections of uninfected cells and infected cells within region injected AAV-GFP. By ImageJ. Student's t-test (*p<o.o5, n=total number of cells in each group). (e) Ramification index of uninfected cells and infected cells within region injected lenti-GFP. By ImageJ. Student's t-test (*p>o.o5, n=total number of cells). (f) Ramification index of uninfected cells and infected cells within region injected AAV-GFP. By ImageJ. Student's t-test (*p<o.o5, n=total number of cells).
Exp Neurobiol 2016;25:48~54
© Exp Neurobiol