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Fig. 2. (A) Schematic of deep/superficial pyramidal cells' connection to parvalbumin-expressing basket cells (PVBC) in CA1. Deep pyramidal cells receive more boutons from single PVBCs that results in larger IPSC amplitude. The EPSC amplitude in PVBC, however, does not differ whether it originates from dPC or sPC. Yet, superficial cells are more likely to contact PVBC than deep cells. (B) Connectivity underlying deep/superficial differences during sharp-wave ripples. Following electrical stimulation in CA3, excitation travels to both deep and superficial CA1. At the same time, feed-forward inhibition regulates spiking in CA2 that in consequence suppresses one source of excitation given to dCA1. Deep cells are left under large inhibitory control from PVBC as seen in (A) while superficial cells remain the most active.
Exp Neurobiol 2017;26:1~10
© Exp Neurobiol