Sex-specific behavioral features in rodent autism spectrum disorder (ASD) models
ASD ModelMale phenotypeFemale phenotypeReferences
VPAReduced sociability and social recognitionRepetitive behaviorKim et al., 2013
Increased seizure susceptibilityCho et al., 2017
Reduced pain sensitivitySchneider et al., 2008
Increased anxiety
Repetitive behavior
PZDIncreased sociabilityReduced nest-buildingGrabrucker et al., 2016
Increased anxietyImpaired social novelty
Decreased social interaction
Repetitive behavior
Increased anxiety
MIAAbnormal startle responseAbnormal startle responseXuan et al., 2014
Reduced social preferenceSocial preference deficitHui et al., 2018
Increased repetitive behaviorRuskin et al., 2017
HyperactivityFoley et al., 2015
MeCP2Declined juvenile social playAbnormal motor functionKurian et al., 2008
Anxiety-like behaviorBreathing problemMeng et al., 2016
Abnormal seizure-like tremorPatterson et al., 2016
Motor abnormality
Ehmt1Anxiety-like behaviorAnxiety-like behaviorBalemans et al., 2010
Reduced sociability and preferenceDecreased sociability and novelty
Decreased juvenile social playNo social novelty preference
MthfrAnxietyAnxiety-like behaviorLevav-Rabkin et al., 2011
HyperactivityHyperactivityBlumkin et al., 2011
Cognition problemCognitive deficit
Reduced social preferenceDecreased social preference
BTBRUSV problemMild USV problemSchwartzer et al., 2013
Repetitive behaviorMild repetitive behavior
Reduced sociabilityMild reduced sociability
Gstm1Repetitive behaviorMild repetitive behaviorYochum et al., 2010
Reduced sociabilityMild reduced sociabilitySinghal et al., 1992
16p11.2 hemideletionReward-directed learning deficitHyperactivityGrissom et al., 2018
HyperactivityAngelakos et al., 2017
Sleep deprivation
CHD8Social communication problemNo specific behavior featuresJung et al., 2018
HypoactivityPlatt et al., 2017
Repetitive behavior
RORARepetitive behaviorNot determined in mouse modelGoodall et al., 1987
Reduced explorationLalonde et al., 2003

VPA, valproic acid; PZD, prenatal zinc deficiency; MIA, maternal immune activation; MeCP2, Methyl CpG binding protein 2; Ehmt1, Euchromatin histone methyltransferase 1; Mthfr, Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; BTBR, BTBR T+tf/J; Gstm1, glutathione-S-transferaseM1; CHD8, Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 8; RORA, RAR-related orphan receptor alpha.

Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:321~343
© Exp Neurobiol