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Fig. 2. Evaluation of lipid extraction in FxClear processed tissue. (A) Comparison of lipid extraction rate in Oil-Red-O (ORO)-labeled brain tissue from FxClear 1 h, 3 h, 6 h (n=5, each time point), ACT 1 h (n=4), and PFA-only (n=5) treated groups. (B) Measurement of the level of DiI-labeled lipids in brain slices from PFA-only (n=4), FxClear 3 h (n=5) and ACT 1 h (n=5) treated groups. (C) τ profile of brain slice from PFA-only, FxClear 1 h, 3 h, 6 h (n=4, each time point) and ACT 1 h (n=5) treated groups.
Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:436~445
© Exp Neurobiol