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Fig. 3. Spatial learning and memory deficit in Vps13b2/ mouse. (A) Alternation percentage in Y maze test (WT: 51.67±5.40%, n=9 mice; Vps13b2/: 53.59±4.66%, n=12 mice; unpaired t-test, p=0.790). (B) Freezing levels in contextual fear conditioning. Freezing during pre-training test, retrieval 1 (recent), and retrieval 2 (remote) were tested (WT: n=9 mice, Vps13b2/: n=11 mice; two-way ANOVA, genotype x condition, F2,54=0.15, p=0.862; effect of genotype, F1,54 = 1.27, p=0.265; effect of condition, F2,54=16.31, p <0.0001; Bonferroni posttests, NS: not significant). All data shown are mean±SEM. (C) The learning curve showing escape latency during training sessions (WT: n=9 mice, Vps13b2/: n=12 mice; two-way ANOVA, genotype x time, F8,152=2.69, **p<0.001, effect of genotype, F1,152=4.06, p=0.058, effect of time, F8,152=4.100, ***p < 0.0001). (D) Time spent in each quadrant in probe test 1 at day 7 (WT: n=9 mice; Vps13b2/: n=12 mice; one-way ANOVA: WT, ***p<0.0001; Vps13b2/, p=0.106). (E) Representative swimming traces of WT and Vps13b2/ mice during the probe test at day 11. (F) Time spent in each quadrant in probe test 2 at day 11 (WT: n=9 mice, one-way ANOVA: WT, ***p<0.0001; Vps13b2/: n=10 mice, p=0.242). (G) Mean velocity at probe test 1 (WT: 17.13±1.493 cm/s, n=9 mice; Vps13b2/: 14.86±1.522 cm/s, n=12 mice; unpaired t-test, p=0.311). (H) The escape latency in visible-platform version of the water maze (WT: 9.039±2.847 s; n=9 mice, Vps13b2/: 10.56±3.004 s, n=12 mice; unpaired t-test, p=0.725). All data shown are mean±SEM.
Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:485~494
© Exp Neurobiol