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Fig. 1. L-DOPA rescues locomotion defects in α-Syn (A53T) Drosophila model. Fly larvae expressing α-Syn (A53T) showed locomotion defects quantified with three locomotion parameters: speed, angular velocity, and pause time. (A) Crawling paths were visualized by selecting the 30 second paths that most closely represents the locomotion parameters of each group. Arrows were placed at the end of each pathway to show the direction of motion. When 100 µM L-DOPA were applied to A53T larvae for 92 hours, all three locomotive parameters including speed (B), angular velocity (C), and pause time (D) were rescued. Note that rescue was not complete, as there was still a significant difference between flies treated with L-DOPA and wild type flies. Student t-test, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. For each group, 30 larvae from 4 separate experiments were examined.
Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:273~284
© Exp Neurobiol