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Fig. 4. Object location memory (OLM) and novel object recognition memory (ORM) were increased in Arhgef4 knockout mice. (A) Experimental time lines for the OLM and ORM tests. (B) OLM increased in Arhgef4 knockout mice (Arhgef4+/+: 14.29±4.45, N=10; Arhgef4+/-: 22.90±7.26, N=10; Arhgef4-/-: 35.65±3.2, N=11, one-way ANOVA: F2,28=4.454, p=0.0209; Dunnett’s multiple comparison tests: *p<0.05, NS: not significant). (C) ORM increased in Arhgef4 knockout mice (Arhgef4+/+: 11.80±4.91, N=9; Arhgef4+/-: 19.52±6.51, N=10; Arhgef4-/-: 32.63±5.08, N=11, one-way ANOVA: F2,27=3.608, p=0.0409; Dunnett’s multiple comparison tests: *p<0.05, NS: not significant).
Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:334~343
© Exp Neurobiol