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Fig. 1. Experimental scheme. EEG recording followed the following order: baseline period (10 s) – negative affective stimulus (90 s) – fragrance period (10 s) – rest. During EEG recording, a monitor screen was presented to the participants (black squares). In the baseline period, participants’ eyes were fixed on a crosshair on the screen. Negative affective stimuli (low valence and high arousal) were then presented. A set consisted of 20 Nencki Affective Picture System pictures (4 s/image). Between pictures, a blank was presented for 500 ms. During odor conditioning, the participant smelled fragrance (O29, P12, lavender, olibanum, or palmarosa) or odorless solution (3% solvent). The fragrance presentation was randomly ordered. Each set followed the same process. Six different odor conditions were measured per subject. For the analysis, ‘fragrance’ and ‘baseline’ periods were used. O29: olibanum-based blended oil; P12: palmarosa-based blended oil.
Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:389~401
© Exp Neurobiol