Significant change in white matter tracts between MDD patients and HC also controlling for depression severity

Tract of interest MDD (n = 101) HC (n = 99) MDD vs. HC

Mean SD Mean SD F p-value
Left SLFP 1.14×10-3 6.71×10-5 1.12×10-3 5.48×10-5 15.574 1.11×10-4
Left SLFT 1.18×10-3 6.07×10-5 1.17×10-3 5.09×10-5 15.155 1.36×10-4
Left UNC 1.20×10-3 5.70×10-5 1.12×10-3 5.44×10-5 12.127 6.14×10-4
Right SLFP 1.11×10-3 7.11×10-5 1.10×10-3 6.59×10-5 12.536 5.00×10-4
Left CST 4.91×10-4 4.69×10-5 4.83×10-4 4.30×10-5 15.258 1.29×10-4
Left ILF 5.77×10-4 4.06×10-5 5.64×10-4 3.56×10-5 13.971 2.44×10-4
Left SLFP 5.75×10-4 4.12×10-5 5.67×10-4 3.73×10-5 14.059 2.34×10-4
Left SLFT 5.60×10-4 4.02×10-5 5.50×10-4 3.63×10-5 16.130 8.45×10-5
Left UNC 5.99×10-4 4.72×10-5 5.91×10-4 3.75×10-5 12.661 4.69×10-4
Right CAB 5.91×10-4 8.10×10-5 5.74×10-4 7.82×10-5 12.458 5.20×10-4
Right SLFP 5.49×10-4 5.12×10-5 5.38×10-4 4.68×10-5 13.126 3.72×10-4
Right SLFT 5.43×10-4 4.50×10-5 5.34×10-4 4.01×10-5 12.310 5.60×10-4
Left CST 7.34×10-4 5.08×10-5 7.30×10-4 4.42×10-5 15.815 9.85×10-5
Left ILF 8.04×10-4 4.56×10-5 7.95×10-4 3.97×10-5 12.588 4.87×10-4
Left SLFP 7.62×10-4 4.69×10-5 7.51×10-4 3.99×10-5 16.613 6.68×10-5
Left SLFT 7.65×10-4 4.51×10-5 7.56×10-4 3.75×10-5 17.775 3.81×10-5
Left UNC 7.99×10-4 4.63×10-5 7.88×10-4 3.76×10-5 15.503 1.15×10-4
Right ATR 7.44×10-4 4.29×10-5 7.35×10-4 3.87×10-5 12.526 5.02×10-4
Right SLFP 7.37×10-4 5.53×10-5 7.24×10-4 5.08×10-5 14.032 2.37×10-4
Right SLFT 7.42×10-4 5.30×10-5 7.33×10-4 4.75×10-5 11.967 6.66×10-4

The F and p values were obtained using one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with the adjustment for age, sex, depression severity and education level as covariates.

MDD, patients with major depressive disorder; HC, healthy control participants; SD, standard deviation; ATR, anterior thalamic radiations; CAB, cingulum - angular bundle; CST, corticospinal tract; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; SLFP, superior longitudinal fasciculus - parietal endings; SLFT, superior longitudinal fasciculus - temporal endings; UNC, uncinate fasciculus

Bonferroni correction was applied: p<0.05/72=0.00069

Exp Neurobiol 2022;31:343~352
© Exp Neurobiol