References are cited in the text by giving the numbers in square brackets.
For example,
1) Similar experiments were conducted elsewhere [1].
2) The study of Kwon and Shin [2] demonstrated....
3) Previous observations [3, 4] are consistent with....
4) Axonal transport defects are best characterized for motor neuron disorders [5-7, 9].
All references cited in the text must be listed in the References section, in numeric order. References must be complete with the last name(s) and initials of authors (names of authors divided by a comma), year of publication in parenthesis, title of paper, journal title, volume, and page numbers. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to List of Journals indexed in Index Medicus of the latest edition. List all authors in each reference. Do not use “et al.” References to books should include name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), year of publication in parenthesis, title of the book, publisher, and place of publication.
For example,
1) Journal articles
1. Chung JM, Lee KH, Surmeier DJ, Sorkin LS, Kim J, Willis WD (1986) Response characteristics of neurons in the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the monkey thalamus. J Neurophysiol 56:370-390.
2. Kwon OB, Shin HC (2006) Hyperthermia-induced changes of afferent sensory transmission to the SI cortex of anesthetized rats. Exp Neurobiol 15:49-54.
3. Talbot K, Louneva N, Cohen JW, Kazi H, Blake DJ, Arnold SE (2011) Synaptic dysbindin-1 reductions in schizophrenia occur in an isoform-specific manner indicating their subsynaptic location. PLoS One 6:e16886.
4. Riederer P, Laux G (2011) MAO-inhibitors in Parkinson's disease. Exp Neurobiol (in press).
2) Books
5. Hille B (1984) Ionic channels of excitable membranes. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA.
3) Chapters in a book
6. Mountcastle VB (1984) Central mechanisms in mechanoreceptive sensibility. In: Handbook of physiology: the nervous system (Darian-Smith I, Hetch D, Uribe E, eds), pp 789-897. American Physiological Society, Washington DC.