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Fig. 3. Bone histomorphological parameters at Week 28. Histomorphological parameters for left tibia of 33-week-old sham-operated rats treated with distilled water (SHAM, n=4) and ovariectomized rats treated with distilled water (OVX, n=3), 10 mg/kg/d sodium alendronate (ALEN, n=3), or 300 mg/kg/d Artemisia princeps Pampanini ethanol extract (AP, n=3) daily by oral gavage (0.1 mL/kg) for 15 weeks following a 13-week pretreatment period. (A) Trabecular bone scans at 28 weeks. Note how the bone, which appears much less dense in the OVX and AP than SHAM groups, appears to make a partial recovery in the ALEN group. (B) Cortical bone scans at 28 weeks. Note the absence of visible recovery in all ovariectomized groups. (C) Trabecular and cortical bone volume as a percent of total tissue volume by group. Univariate ANOVA showed a significant effect of treatment for trabecular bone volume (F=22.186, p<0.001) with lower values for all ovariectomized groups relative to sham controls. No differences between sham and ovariectomized controls were found for cortical bone volume, though the alendronate-treated group did show significantly higher values than sham (effect of treatment F3,9=5.659, p<0.05; alendronate versus sham mean difference 1.66%, p<0.05). (D) Trabecular and cortical bone mineral density by group. Like bone volume, trabecular bone density also decreased significantly in all ovariectomized groups relative to sham (Kruskal-Wallis χ2(3)=10.840, p<0.05), while no significant differences were seen in cortical bone density. Partial recovery in trabecular bone density relative to OVX controls was seen in the ALEN group. Values represent means±SEM. *Scheffe's S or Kruskal-Wallis pairwise post-hoc versus SHAM p<0.05. **Kruskal-Wallis pairwise post-hoc versus OVX p<0.05 and versus SHAM p<0.1.
Exp Neurobiol 2015;24:71~83
© Exp Neurobiol