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Fig. 4. Effect of prolonged delay in DMTP. (A) When delay time was increased from 1 s to 3 s, correct choice rate was slightly, but significantly, reduced (paired t-test, t(7)=3.093, *p < 0.05). Percentage of correct choice in the last session of 1 s delay and the first session of 3 s delay were 81.5±4.7% and 71.9±3.4%, respectively. Repetition of DMTP task with 3 s delay increased correct choices comparable to a 1-s delay. (B) When delay was prolonged to 9 s, correct choice rate was significantly reduced (paired t-test, t(7)=3.842, **p < 0.01). Percentage of correct choice in the last session of 3 s delay and 9 s delay were 85.4±4.3% and 66.2±4.9%, respectively Error bars indicate SEM. Eight mice were used in this experiment.
Exp Neurobiol 2015;24:84~89
© Exp Neurobiol