Fig. 2. Representative results showing neurogenesis, angiogenesis, and apoptosis following the transplantation of hUCB-MSCs into ICH rats. The rats at 4 weeks after transplantation were analyzed for the presence of Tuj1, Laminin, and TUNEL using immunofluorescence staining. (A) Tuj1-positive cells (green) were detected in the SVZ. (B) Laminin-positive cells (green) were present in large numbers in the peri-infarct regions. (C) TUNEL-positive cells (red) were detected in peri-infarct regions. (D) Tuj1-positive cells increased in the hUCB-MSCs-treated group (n=8) compared with the controls (n=10) (not significant). (E) Laminin-positive cells increased significantly the hUCB-MSCs-treated rats (n=8) compared with the controls (n=10). (F) TUNEL-positive cells decreased in the hUCB-MSCs-treated group (n=8) compared with the controls (n=10) (not significant). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Values are shown as mean and SEM. *p<0.05 compared with the controls.
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