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Fig. 2. In situ hybridization of ApPDE4 isoforms in Aplysia cerebral ganglia. A1, B1: Dorsal (A1) and ventral (B1) surface of cerebral ganglia. A2, B2: Diagrams summarizing the localization of ApPDE4-positive neurons on the dorsal (A2) and ventral (B2) cerebral ganglia. MCC, metacerebral neurons; UL, upper lip nerve; AN, antenna nerve; LL, lower lip nerve, CeBu, cerebro-buccal connection; CePd, cerebro-pedal connection; CePl, cerebro-pleural connection. Intensity of gray color of circle indicates the signal intensity of ISH-positive neurons. Scale bar 500 µm.
Exp Neurobiol 2015;24:246~251
© Exp Neurobiol