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Fig. 3. In situ hybridization of ApPDE4 isoforms in Aplysia pleural-pedal ganglia. Dorsal surface of left (A1) and right (B1) pleural ganglia. A2, B2: Diagrams summarizing the localization of ApPDE4 positive neurons on the dorsal left (A2) and right (B2) pleural ganglia. C1, D1: Ventral surface of right (C1) and left (D1) pleural ganglia. C2, D2: Diagrams summarizing the localization of ApPDE4 positive neurons on the ventral right (C2) and left (D2) pleural ganglia. Ce-Pl, cerebral-pleural connection; LP1, LP1 giant neuron; SenC, sensory cluster; Pl-Ab, pleural-abdominal connection; Pl-Pd, pleural-pedal connection. E1, F1: Dorsal surface of left (E1) and right (F1) pedal ganglia. E2, F2: Diagrams summarizing the localization of ApPDE4 positive neurons on the dorsal left (E2) and right (F2) pedal ganglia. K1, L1: Ventral surface of right (E1) and left (F1) pedal ganglia. E2, F2: Diagrams summarizing the localization of ApPDE4 positive neurons on the ventral right (E2) and left (F2) pedal ganglia. PePl, pedal-pleural connection; Ce, cerebral connection; PeCo, pedal commisure. Intensity of gray color of circle indicates the signal intensity of ISH-positive neurons. Scale bar 500 µm.
Exp Neurobiol 2015;24:246~251
© Exp Neurobiol