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Fig. 2. Strategies and results for testing the necessity and sufficiency of the neuronal population, which have high CREB level/excitability during learning. (A) If the neurons having a high CREB level and excitability are required to express the encoded memory, the expression of the fear memory associated with tone will be suppressed by induced cell death of these high CREB/excitability neurons. A reduced fear response after the targeted cell death of these high CREB neurons by inducible diphtheria-toxin strategy shows the necessity of the high CREB level neurons. (B) If the neurons having a high CREB level and excitability are sufficient to express the encoded memory, the activation of these neurons will be sufficient to elicit the fear response. An induced fear response using TRPV1/capsaicin system shows the sufficiency of the high CREB level neurons for the expression of fear memory.
Exp Neurobiol 2016;25:55~63
© Exp Neurobiol