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Fig. 5. Cell-type-specific gene-silencing of Best1 in DLX5/6+ TRN neurons. (a) Left panel shows low magnification image of TRN with viral infection of pSico-Red scrambled shRNA (top) and Best1 immunostaining (bottom). Upper right panel shows GFP and mCherry fluorescence from infected cell with high magnification (indicated with arrow from left panel). Bottom right panel shows merged image of Best1 and mCherry signal. (b) Left panel shows low magnification image of TRN with viral infection of pSico-Red Best1 shRNA (top) and Best1 immunostaining (bottom). Upper right panel shows GFP and mCherry fluorescence from infected cell with high magnification (indicated with arrow from left panel). Bottom right panel shows merged image of Best1 and mCherry signal. Dashed line indicates the border of TRN. (c) Summary bar graph shows statistical analysis of intensity of Best1 immunoreactivity in mCherry+/GFP- cells (A.U.) in scrambled shRNA group and Best1 shRNA group. Each bar represents the mean±SEM; Student's t-test p values of < 0.001(***). Scrambled shRNA group versus Best1 shRNA group. Number of counted cells for analysis is inserted in each bar. N in parentheses are number of mice.
Exp Neurobiol 2016;25:120~129
© Exp Neurobiol