Fig. 3. Ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) of male B6 and BTBR mice with females in the estrus and diestrus stages. (A) Representative examples of USV calls. (B, C) Total number or latency to the first call of the USV of male B6 and BTBR mice with estrus or diestrus female. The number and latency of the calls with estrus or diestrus female do not differ (B6, with estrus: n=8, with diestrus: n=8; BTBR, with estrus: n=5, with diestrus: n=5, Student t-test, p>0.05). The number and latency tend to be higher in BTBR mice compared with B6 mice (two-way ANOVA, strain x estrous cycle, strain: *p<0.05). (D~F) The properties of each USV call (dominant frequency, bandwidth, and duration) do not differ (B6, with estrus: n=8, with diestrus: n=8; BTBR, with estrus: n=5, with diestrus: n=5, Student t-test, p>0.05). All values are presented as mean±SEM.
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