The case reports of extensive brain edema after radiosurgery
SizeLocationImpaired veinNidusTreatmentResult
Pollock, 2000
 Patient 1smallF, RtVarixDConservativeStable
 Patient 2largeCbll, RtBilateral TS, SSOThrombolysisStable
Chapman et al., 2004
 Patient 3largeF, RtVein to SSSOConservativeExpire
 Patient 4largeThal, RtVein to Basal veinOConservativeStable
The present caselargePO, LtVein to TSDResectionStable

Abbreviations : F, Frontal lobe; PO, Parieto-occipital area; Cbll, Cerebellum; Thal, Thalamus; SSS, Superior sagittal sinus; TS, Transverse sinus; SS, Sigmoid sinus; N, Not decrease; D, Decrease; O, Obliteration.

Exp Neurobiol 2016;25:191~196
© Exp Neurobiol