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Fig. 1. Active linking values (AL), recognition pattern (RP) and total traveled distance (TTD) of deprived and non-deprived rats after treatment with saline, MEM at 10 mg·Kg-1, saline (black bars) or HAL at 0.25 mg·Kg-1, s.c. (grey bars). Behaviors were evaluated at the 5th and 8th postnatal weeks. Data points are means +/- SD (n=5, each). *p<0.05, **p<0.01 for different between groups; one black square p<0.05; two black squares p<0.01; three black squares p<0.005 for differences with saline non-deprived group (non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn post-hoc test).
Exp Neurobiol 2016;25:328~332
© Exp Neurobiol