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Fig. 1. Thermal nociceptive sensitivity measured by latency to respond to heat stimulus. (A) Behavioral test scheme. (B) Tail flick test. Thermal nociceptive sensitivity was assessed by the latency of tail withdrawal response (two-way repeated measures ANOVA analysis: interaction p=0.6902, CT p=0.3051, genotype p=0.6312). (C) Hot plate test. Thermal nociceptive sensitivity evaluated by the latency of paw withdrawal response (two-way repeated measures ANOVA analysis: interaction p=0.8287, CT p=0.0112, genotype p=0.2640, *p<0.05). All data are displayed as mean±SEM (WT mice: n=12; KO mice: n=8).
Exp Neurobiol 2016;25:342~346
© Exp Neurobiol