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Fig. 5. Identification of the SOC subtype for each astrocyte by the degree of SOCE. (a) Relative frequency and Entry/Release ratio of control condition. (b) Comparison of relative frequency and Entry/Release ratio between control and TrpC1 shRNA. p=0.5403 (α=0.05), KS D value=0.1536. (c) Comparison of relative frequency and Entry/Release ratio between control and Orai1 shRNA. p=0.1066 (α=0.05), KS D value=0.244. (d) Comparison of relative frequency and Entry/Release ratio between control and Orai2 shRNA. p=0.1838 (α=0.05), KS D value=0.1813. (e) Comparison of relative frequency and Entry/Release ratio between control and Orai3 shRNA. p=0.4652 (α=0.05), KS D value=0.1339. (f) Comparison of relative frequency and Entry/Release ratio between control and Orai1/2/3 shRNA. p<0.0001 (α=0.05), KS D value=0.6553. (g) Comparison of relative frequency and Entry/Release ratio between control and Stim1 shRNA. p<0.0001 (α=0.05), KS D value=0.9339. (h) Fitting curve, positive skewed asymmetric Gaussian distribution of control condition with geometric mean of 1.31, geometric standard deviation of 1.745, 95% confidential interval (upper cutoff: 0.44, lower cutoff: 3.90). With these statistically meaningful values, we defined the four subpopulations: “Small(ratio range: 0~0.625)”, “Medium (ratio range: 0.625~1.375)”, “Large: (ratio range: 1.375~4.125)”, and “Huge: (ratio range: Over 4.125)” (upper panel). Composition of astrocytic SOCE responses under control condition and shRNA conditions (lower panel).
Exp Neurobiol 2017;26:42~54
© Exp Neurobiol