Fig. 5. VGAT is absent in DAC varicosities of the rabbit retina. Triple-labeled confocal images obtained at different focal planes in the same field of a whole-mount preparation processed for TH (green), CR (red), and VGAT (blue) immunoreactivity. (A) Stratum 1. A TH-labeled DAC soma with dendritic varicosities can be observed, along with 6 CR-labeled AII somata and their lobules. VGAT does not colocalize with DAC varicosities, while VGAT immunoreactivity can be observed in AII lobules (pink, arrowheads), but not in AII somata. (B) Stratum 5. A few DAC dendrites with varicosities can be observed, although the meshwork of AII arboreal dendrites is clearly visible. Neither structure exhibits VGAT immunoreactivity, indicating an absence of VGAT. Scale bar=50 µm. DACs: Dopaminergic amacrine cells; TH: tyrosine hydroxylase; CR: calretinin; VGAT: vesicular GABA transporter.
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