Fig. 1. Induction of microglial cell motility by OPNpt20. (A) Sequences of OPNpt20 and of the three mutant peptides. (B~I) BV2 cells were treated with FGF (C, 1 µg/ml), rhOPN (D, 1 µg/ml), OPNpt20 (E, 1 µg/ml), three mutant peptides (F~H, 1 µg/ml each), or CytB (I, 1 µg/ml) and cell motilities were monitored using a live cell imaging analyzer every 10 min for 6 hrs. Motile trajectory of each cell for 6 hrs are presented (B~I) and mean total migration distances over 6 hrs (J) and mean hourly migration speeds (K) are presented as means±SEMs (n=20). **p<0.01 versus PBS-treated controls, ##p<0.01, $$p<0.01, ¢¢p<0.01 between indicated groups. Scale bars represent 125 µm.
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