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Fig. 2. The genus members that were down-regulated or up-regulated in Tg-APP/PS1 mice. (A) Heat maps depicting the list of microbiota for which occupancies increased (red) or decreased (green) by more than one SD (one z) in Tg-APP/PS1 mice relative to the percent mean of wild-type controls. In total 130 genus members with occupancies higher than 0.1% in either wild-type or Tg-APP/PS1 mice were considered. Subsequently clustering of respective microbiomes in independent comparisons were overlaid. n/s, the microbiomes for which occupancy was not detected in wild-type or Tg-APP/PS1 mice. The z-score is expressed as X − µ/σ, where µ=mean; X=individual score; σ=standard deviation (SD). (B) The percent compositions of microbiomes at the genus level in wild-type and Tg-APP/PS1 mice. All genus members with occupancies higher than 0.1% in either wild-type (blue) or Tg-APP/PS1 mice (red) are presented (n=5, each).
Exp Neurobiol 2017;26:369~379
© Exp Neurobiol