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Fig. 3. Immunoblotting of the level of ADC during and after ischemic injury. (A) The expression level of arginine decarboxylase (ADC) in the ipsilateral brain was significantly correlated with the level of agmatine in the brain after IP. (B) Moreover, the expression level of ADC in the liver was significantly increased compared to EC after MCAO. EC, experimental control; IP, ischemic preconditioning; 30 min, 30 min after IP; 1 d, 1 day after IP; 3 d, 3 day after IP; 1 hr, 1 hr after reperfusion; 3 hr, 3 hr after reperfusion; 6 hr, 6 hr after reperfusion; 23 hr, 23 hr after reperfusion (**p<0.05 vs. EC; ***p<0.01 vs. EC).
Exp Neurobiol 2017;26:380~389
© Exp Neurobiol