Assessment of risk of bias in the included studies
BiasItem NumberQuestionLi [21]Liu [22]Wang [23]Li [24]Du et al. [25]Li et al. [26]Li et al. [27]Liu et al. [28]Liu et al. [29]Du et al. [30]
Randomization1Were animals randomized across groups?YYYYYYYYYY
2What method was used for randomization?YUUUUYYUUU
Blindness3Was the outcome assessment blinded?UUUUUUUUUU
Experimental animals4Were characteristics of experimental animals clearly described?YYYYYYYYYY
Baseline5Were the groups similar at baseline?YYYYUYYYYY
Homogeneity6Was each treatment homogeneous?YYYYYYYYYY
7Was the method of outcome measurement proper and homogeneous?YYYYYYYYYY
Data completion8Was the number of animals excluded from analysis and the reason for exclusion clear?UUUUUUUUUU
9Were the outcome data complete?YYNYYYYYYY

Y, yes; N, no description; U, unclear description.

Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:1~15
© Exp Neurobiol