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Fig. 3. Relationship between the transient intermediate plexiform layer (TIPL) and apoptotic cells in developing retina. (A, B) Low-power magnification view of postnatal day (PD) 7 rat retina processed for TUNEL staining. Numerous TUNEL-positive cells (green) are found across the retina (A). Among them, more than half are located in the middle or distal portion of the INL in the merged image (B). (C~E) Higher magnification view of PD 9 rat retina processed for TUNEL staining (C) and substance P (SP) receptor immunoreactivity (D). TUNEL-positive cells (green) are frequently found near the TIPL showing SP receptor immunoreactivity in the INL in the merged image (E). (F~H) Confocal images of PD 10 rat retina processed for TUNEL staining (F) and glutamine synthase (GS) immunoreactivity (G). Several TUNEL-positive cells (green) are seen in the INL (F) and numerous GS-immunoreactive Müller glial cells (red) are visible (G). In the merged image (H), colocalization cannot be seen. Scale bar=100 µm in B; 25 µm in E; 50 µm in H.
Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:28~33
© Exp Neurobiol