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Fig. 3. Behavior analysis after drug treatment in aged mice. (A) Locomotor activity. The total distance traveled was not significantly different among the three groups (one-way ANOVA; F (2,33)=0.4074, p=0.6687; water, 17080±674.5, n=17, metformin, 16400±1163, n=9, HL271, 16060±873.5, n=10). (B) Anxiety. All groups spent similar durations in the center; there was no significant difference in the anxiety levels (one-way ANOVA; F (2,33)=0.4074, p=0.6687; water, 419.3±35.53, n=17, metformin, 379.6±40.19, n=9, HL271, 447.4±63.66, n=10). (C) Novel object recognition memory test. One-way ANOVA; F (2,33)=3.655, p=0.0368. Post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparisons unveiled a significant difference between water (0.6353±0.03835, n=17) and HL271-treated mice (0.7849±0.03410, n=10). *p=0.0447. There was no significant difference between the water and metformin-treated group (0.7389±0.05256, n=9), p=0.2920. (D) Y-maze test. One-way ANOVA; F (2,33)=3.52, p=0.0412. Post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparisons unveiled significant differences between water (54.74±3.174%, n=17) and HL271-treated mice (69.76±3.518%, n=10), *p=0.0423. There was no significant difference between the water and metformin-treated group (57.14±6.586%, n=9). p>0.9999. (E) Contextual fear memory test. One-way ANOVA; F (2,33)=5.17, p=0.0111. Post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparisons unveiled significant differences between water (31.03±2.841%, n=17) and HL271-treated mice (45.72±4.375%, n=10), *p=0.0152. There was no significant difference between the water and metformin-treated group (41.91±3.822%, n=9). p=0.1171. Data are presented as the mean±SEM.
Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:45~56
© Exp Neurobiol