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Fig. 2. Reactive astrocytes contain GABA in STAB. (A) Representative confocal images for the immunostained GABA and GFAP signals (green; GFAP, red; GABA) in hippocampal CA1 region of ipsilateral or contralateral side of injured brain. (B) Bar graph showing the comparison of the average intensity of GABA immunoreactivity in GFAP-positive and GFAP-negative/interneuron regions in CA1 region of ipsilateral or contralateral side of hippocampus of stab wound injured mice. Unpaired two-tailed-t-test (**p<0.01, NS; non-significant, p>0.05) (n=14 for GFAP+ in Contra; n=7 for GFAP− in Contra; n=13 for GFAP+ in Ipsi; n=6 for GFAP− in Ipsi).
Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:155~170
© Exp Neurobiol