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Fig. 4. Aberrant GABA is absent in hypertrophied active astrocytes of EE. (A) Schematic diagram of enriched environment. (B) Experimental procedures for histology in enriched environment (EE). (C) Representative confocal images for the immunostained GABA and GFAP signals (green; GFAP, red; GABA, blue; DAPI) in hippocampus of mice in EE. (D) Sholl analysis for immunostained GFAP signals. Starting radius; 3 µm, Interval of each concentric circles; 1 µm. (E) The average intensity of GFAP immunoreactivity signals in CA1 region of EE or SC hippocampus. (n=12 for SC; n=12 for EE). (F) The summarized intersect of immunstained GFAP signals crossing with the concentric circles following Sholl analysis (n=11 for SC; n=12 for EE). (G) Ramification index of GFAP-stained astrocytic processes (n=10 for SC; n=12 for EE). (H) Quantification of GABA intensity in GFAP-positive- or GFAP-negative- pixels in standard and EE conditions. Unpaired two-tailed-t-test (**p<0.01, ***p<0.001, NS; non-significant, p>0.05) (n=15 for GFAP+ in SC; n=7 for GFAP− in SC; n=17 for GFAP+ in EE; n=7 for GFAP− in EE).
Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:155~170
© Exp Neurobiol