Fig. 6. Low level of tonic GABA current in EE. (A) Schematics and experimental procedures for tonic GABA measurement in mice in enriched or standard environment. (B) Representative traces of GABAA receptor-mediated current recorded from hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons from mice in EE. Bic indicates the adding of 50 µM bicuculline in the recording solution. (C) The amplitude of tonic current (n=10 for SC; n=12 for EE). (D) The amplitude of sIPSCs before bicuculline applications (n=9 for SC; n=13 for EE). (E) The frequency of sIPSCs before bicuculline applications. Unpaired two-tailed-t-test (NS; non-significant, p>0.05) (n=9 for SC; n=13 for EE).
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