Fig. 4. Effects of RP on anxiety-like behaviors in SPS-CF exposed mice. (A) Time spent in open arms in the elevated plus maze (n=6 for VeN, RPN, VeS, n=7 for RPS). Two-way ANOVA demonstrated non-significant changes by SPS-CF exposed stress (F1,21=0.96, p=0.76), and RP administration (F1,21=1.7, p=0.21). Also there were no significant stress × RP administration interaction (F1,21=3.6, p=0.071). (B) Latency to feed in the novelty suppressed feeding paradigm. Two-way ANOVA demonstrated non-significant changes by SPS-CF exposed stress (F1,21=1.8, p=0.195), RP administration (F1,21=0.52, p=0.48) and SPS-CF × RP interaction (F1,21=2.9, p=0.104). All data represent mean±SEM. VeN, vehicle fed, non-stressed; RPN, RP 0.1 mg/kg fed, nonstressed; VeS, vehicle fed, SPS-CF exposed; RPS, RP 0.1 mg/kg fed, SPS-CF exposed.
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