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Fig. 1. Wide fluorescein angiography (FA) and wide fundus photographic findings of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and control cases. (A, B) Wide fundus photograph and wide FA of case 5 (PDR) patients showed microvascular abnormalities, retinal hemorrhage, and limited retinal neovascularization (NV). (C, D) Wide fundus photograph and wide FA of case 8 (high-risk PDR) show retinal hemorrhage, hard exudates, extensive nonperfusion area, severe ischemia with retinal NVs, and premacular hemorrhage. (E, F) Wide fundus photographs of control cases (E, case 1; F, case 3) showed normal findings except for media opacity.
Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:238~244
© Exp Neurobiol