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Fig. 2. Influence of IGF-1R in transplanted NSCs and treadmill training (TMT) on locomotor recovery. (A) Recovery of BMS (Basso Mouse Scale for locomotion) scores over the 8-week period after injury. Animals with transplanted NSCs wild-type (+/+) for Igf1r gene and combined treadmill training (TMT) together showed the best locomotor recovery. * and *** represent p<0.05 and p<0.001 by repeated-measures two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni analysis. N=9 animals for each group. (B, C) Ladder walk test at 4 (B) and 8 weeks (C) after injury. The number of hind-paw placement errors was counted at the 4- (B) and 8-week (C) time points. * represents p<0.05 by two-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni analysis. N=9 animals for each group. (D~G) Catwalk automated footprint analysis assessed at 8 weeks after SCI. The graphs show (D) stride length (distance between the two consecutive hind-paw footprints), (E) base of support (width between the left and right hind-paws), (F) relative position (distance between the center pads of fore- and hind-paw prints), and (G) rotation angle (angle of the hind-paw axis relative to the horizontal plane). N=9 animals for each group.
Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:489~507
© Exp Neurobiol