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Fig. 3. Postsynaptic AMPA and NMDA receptors are the major sources of the activity-dependent IOS. (A) Schematic diagram for candidates of postsynaptic receptors as the sources of IOS. (B, F, H, J, L) Representative traces of IOS. Inset: Representative traces of fEPSP. (C, G, I, K, M) The percentage of IOS peak. (D, E) fEPSP amplitude (mV), and fiber volley (mV). ((C to M) paired t-test (two-tailed), *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, NS p>0.05). (N) Summary bar graph of the normalized percentage of IOS peak. (O) Summary pie chart of the contribution percentage for IOS peak. (Post: APV and CNQX-sensitive portion of IOS peak, TTX-insensitive: TTX-insensitive portion of IOS peak, AP firing: subtracting Cd2+ from TTX-sensitive portion of IOS peak, RRP vesicle fusion: Concanamycin A from Cd2+-sensitive portion of IOS peak, Empty vesicle fusion: APV and CNQX from Concanamycin A-sensitive portion of IOS peak).
Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:30~42
© Exp Neurobiol