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Fig. 2. Validation of 14-3-3γ KO mice. (A) A genomic illustration of 14-3-3γ KO mice. The trap vector, pU-21W, was inserted into the exon 2 of ywhag . Two PCR primers designed for exon 2 (black and blue arrows) and a primer for the trap vector (red arrow) were used for genotyping. (B) Genotyping result of genomic DNA prepared from 14-3-3γ WT, heterozygote, and homozygote KO mice. (C) (left) A representative western blot of brain homogenates prepared at P0 from 14-3-3γ WT, heterozygote, and homozygote KO mice using a specific 14-3-3γ antibody. (right) A bar graph showing the expression level of 14-3-3γ in the brain. (D) β-gal staining of 14-3-3γ Het and WT mice. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:43~53
© Exp Neurobiol