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Fig. 1. Activation of BF cholinergic terminal induces di-synaptic IPSCs from BLA pyramidal neurons. (A) Viral expression of channelrhodopsin (H134R) in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons of ChAT-Cre mice. Optically-evoked IPSCs in most BLA pyramidal neurons (n=22 cells; N=5 mice). (B) Expression of channelrhodopsin in the axon terminals in the BLA. Scale bar=500 µm. (C, D) IPSCs (gray) and averaged (black) IPSC recorded BLA pyramidal neurons pre and post treatment with mecamylamine (MEC, 10 µM; n=3 cells; N=3 mice; paired t-test p<.01). (E, F) IPSCs (gray) and averaged (black) IPSC recorded BLA pyramidal neurons pre and post treatment with picrotoxin, (PTX, 100 µM; n=3 cells; N=3 mice; paired t-test p<0.001). (G) IPSCs recorded in BLA pyramidal neurons with the DSI protocol (black arrow). (H) Percentage of IPSC charges (pA·ms) pre and post DSI (n=9 cells; N=4 mice; paired t-test p=0.0002). (I) 3 IPSCs (gray) and averaged (black) IPSC pre and post DSI. BLA, basolateral amygdala; CEA, central amygdala.
Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:320~328
© Exp Neurobiol