Fig. 1. Differential trajectories of the cochlear afferent fibers (CAFs) in the organ of Corti. (A) A three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed image of the organ of Corti immunolabeled with anti-calretinin in a P12 rat. (Aa~Ab) XY and ZY projection views of the marked area in A. (B) 3D-reconstructed images of an organ of Corti in a P11 rat that is double-immunolabeled with anti-calretinin (green) and anti-neurofilament (NF; red). (Ba1~Ba3) ZY section views of the marked area in B. An approximate location of habenular perforata is marked with dotted oval. (C) A 3D reconstructed image of an organ of Corti from a P19 rat that was double-immunolabeled with anti-calretinin (green) and anti-NF (red). (Ca1~Ca3) ZY projection views of the marked area in C. (D) A 3D reconstructed image of an organ of Corti from a P19 rat that was triple-immunolabeled with anti-calretinin (green), anti-myosin (red) and anti-NKA (magenta). (Da1~Da5) ZY section views of the marked area in D. (E) A 3D reconstructed image of an organ of Corti from a 11-week-old rat (W11) that was double-immunolabeled with anti-calretinin (green) and anti-Na, K-ATPase alpha 3 (NKA; red). (Ea1~Ea3) ZY projection view of the marked area in E. At all ages examined, calretinin-rich and calretinin-poor fibers (arrow) exhibit segregated courses. The pillar (P) and modiolar side (M) of IHC is marked with dotted lines (Ab, Ba3, Ca3, Da5, and Ea3).
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