Fig. 2. Most of CTB-positive cells in PL, BLA, and vHIP regions were stained by GLU-4, a glutamatergic neuron marker. (A~I) Schematic diagrams illustrating the coronal section of the PL (A), BLA (D), and vHIP (G), and the areas (filled blue area) analyzed for cells labeled by fluorescent-CTB (green) and anti-glutamate antibody (GLU-4, red). Fluorescence images showing cells labeled with CTB (green), or GLU-4 (red), and high magnification of an overlay (boxed areas, merged) in the PL (B), BLA (E), and vHIP (H). Quantification of CTB labeled cells, GLU-4 labeled cells, and CTB plus GLU-4 double-labeled cells in the PL (C), BLA (F), and vHIP (I). Venn diagrams showing the summed numbers of cells stained with CTB only (green) or CTB+GLU-4 (yellow) counted in the sections of PL (C), BLA (F), and vHIP (I) regions. Bar graphs showing the normalized mean number in mm2 of cells stained with CTB only (green) and double-labeled with CTB+GLU-4 (yellow) in the PL (C), BLA (F), and vHIP (I). n=4 animals for each region. *indicates cells stained with CTB or GLU-4. Arrow heads indicate cells stained with CTB and GLU-4. Scale bars; 50 µm in the PL and BLA, and 100 µm in the vHIP. All data are mean±SEM. Student's t-test.
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