Fig. 4. Sociability and social preference determined by time spent in each compartment and approach duration of NMDA-injected mice model in the three-chamber assay and home cage social test. This figure shows the time spent (duration) in each compartment (A) and approach duration (B) of NMDA-injected mice model compared to controls in the three-chamber social test; the time spent (duration) sniffing by NMDA-injected mice models compared to controls in the home cage social target interaction test (C); the home cage two-choice sociability test (D); the social preference test (E~G); the time spent (duration) in each compartment (E) and approach (F) of NMDA-injected mice model compared to controls in the three-chamber social test; sniffing duration in the home cage two-choice social preference test (G). The number of animals per condition was as follows: NMDA and Veh in three-chamber social test, n=28 and n=32, respectively; NMDA and Veh in the home cage social target interaction test, n=15 and n=14, respectively; NMDA and Veh in the home cage two-choice sociability and social preference test, n=10. All data are expressed as the mean±SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, Veh, Vehicle group mice; NMDA, NMDA-injected mice.
© Exp Neurobiol