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Fig. 10. Scriptaid and RGFP966 have no effect on infiltration of MHCII+ and Arg-1+ cells after SCI. BALB/c mice were subjected to a T-cut hemisection SCI. The first 3 days the mice were injected i.p. with with scriptaid (3.5 mg/kg), RGFP966 (10 mg/kg) or vehicle. (A~D) Treatment with scriptaid and RGFP966 has no effect infiltration of MHCII+ and Arg-1+ cells. (C, D) Representative images are shown indicating the MHCII+ (C) and Arg-1+ (D) with white arrows, these cells were counted at the lesion area. Sections were labelled for: MHCII+ cells (classically activated macrophages/microglia; A, C) and Arg-1+ cells (alternatively activated macrophages/microglia; B, D). Data are represented as means±SEM, n=3~4 mice/group, data from 1 representative experiment are shown. SCI, spinal cord injury; MHCII, major histocompatibility complex 2 and Arg-1, arginase-1.
Exp Neurobiol 2018;27:437~452
© Exp Neurobiol