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Fig. 1. Impaired motor coordination in JNPL3 mice. (A~C) Coat hanger test to evaluate limb strength and coordination (WT, n=7; JNPL3, n=7, 8-month-old). (A) Success assessment scoring and representative image of each score. (B) Latency to fall off the wire in WT and homozygous JNPL3 mice. (C) Appraised scores based on scoring criteria in (A). Mann-Whitney test, *p<0.05, ***p<0.001. (D~F) Goal-directed balance beam test to evaluate general coordination and balance (WT, n=13; JNPL3, n=15, 12-month-old). (D) Representative image comparing motor performance between WT and JNPL3 mice. (E) Time spent to cross the balance beam. (F) Latency to fall off the beam. Mann-Whitney test, ***p<0.001. (G~I) Trotting gait pattern analysis of WT and JNPL3 mice (WT, n=12; JNPL3, n=15, 12-month-old). (G) Representative paw contact image of ground walking obtained from high-speed video recording system. (H) Four-paw contact points over time displaying gait pattern. (I) Diagonal paw contact interval indicating limb coordination in WT and JNPL3 mice. Two-tailed unpaired t test, ***p<0.001.
Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:404~413
© Exp Neurobiol