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Fig. 3. Gross image from a coronal section of the cerebral hemisphere (A) and a low-power microscopic view of Luxol fast blue (LFB) staining slides from the frontal lobe (B), parietal lobe (C), occipital lobe (D), basal ganglia (E), midbrain (F), pons (G), and the cervical spinal cord (H). (A) White matter with brown-gray discoloration is observed. Corpus callosum is paper-thin and atrophied. Ventriculomegaly is evident. (B~D) LFB staining reveals severe confluent myelin loss in the frontal lobe (B) and the parietal lobe (C). The occipital lobe is relatively preserved. Subcortical U-fibers are mostly preserved. (E) The caudate nucleus, putamen, claustrum and the nigrostriatal pathway are somewhat atrophic. The anterior limb of internal capsule is relatively intact. (F~H) Pyramidal tract fiber shows loss of myelin in the crus cerebri (F), basis pontis (G), and in the anterior and lateral corticospinal tract (H). Pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra are well preserved (F).
Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:119~129
© Exp Neurobiol