Experimental animals

GroupAnimal IDSex*Age (y)*Body weight (kg)**Occlusion (duration)***MRI f/uNHPSSHistological-analysis
Control (n=2)R310M54.0XXXO
Acute (n=2)R324F55.5135 min3hX3 h
R307M56.1109 min24hX24 h
Subacute (n=2)R326F54.982 min1wX2 w
R330F45.3111 min3wX1 m
Chronic (n=5)R328F75.7152 min4wO4 m
R315M56.7137 min4wO20 m
R305M54.6135 min4wO††Survival
R306M57.0128 min4wO††Survival
R313M56.2162 min4wO††Survival

Nine rhesus monkeys were assessed at different time points following the induction of ischemic stroke (2 acute, 2 subacute, and 5 chronic) with 2 age-matched controls.

Data were obtained shortly before surgery.

Occlusion time was determined after evaluation of plateau (three consecutive ADC-derived lesion volumes) by MRI scans at 15-minute intervals.

In vivo follow-up MRI (FLAIR, ADC, and DWI) was performed once a week starting 1 day post-infarct until 4 weeks after reperfusion to measure the infarct volume.

Histological analyses were conducted by post-mortem examination after the animal’s natural death.

Animals still surviving at the time of manuscript submission (approximately 3 years) with no corresponding MRI data.

h, hours; w, weeks; m, months; f/u, follow-up; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; DWI, diffusion weighted imaging; NHPSS, non-human primate stroke scale; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

Exp Neurobiol 2019;28:458~473 https://doi.org/10.5607/en.2019.28.4.458
© Exp Neurobiol