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Fig. 5.

Expression of GLUT1, GLUT3, and GFAP in the ipsilesional cortex of the mouse brain with right UCCAO. (A) An increase in the immuno-histochemical expression of GLUT1 (red) was observed in the vessels of the asymmetric group, compared with the symmetric group. (B) Double immunofluorescence staining of GLUT1 and GFAP. GLUT1 along the vessels showed co-localization with an astrocytic foot process in the asymmetric group. (C) Intensity measurement to quantify the GLUT1 level showed a significant increase in the asymmetric group (n=6/group, p<0.05). (D) Western blot analysis of GLUT1 (55 kDa) in the ischemic hemisphere of the mouse brain. Quantitation of GLUT1 expression was performed, relative to actin expression. The GLUT1 level was significantly increased in the asymmetric group compared to the symmetric group (n=3/group, p<0.05). (E) Immunohistochemical expression of GFAP (green), indicating astrocyte activation, was observed to increase in the asymmetric group. (F) GFAP-positive cells were more frequently observed in the right hemisphere of the asymmetric group than in the symmetric group, however, this difference was not statistically significant (n=6/group). (G) Western blot analysis of GFAP (55k Da) shows significantly increased expression in the right cortex of the asymmetric group compared to the symmetric group (n=3/group, p<0.05). (H) GLUT3 (red) expression was faintly observed in both groups. (I) Intensity of GLUT3 did not differ between the two groups (n=6/group). (J) Western blot analysis of GLUT3 (54 kDa) showed no difference between the two groups (n=3/ group). Data are expressed as the mean±standard error of the mean. GLUT, anti-glucose transporter; GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein. *p<0.05 (t -test).

Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:70~79
© Exp Neurobiol