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Fig. 3.

SIRT2 is critical for the differentiation of EpSCs. (a) Construction and identification of the lentivirus-SIRT2 plasmid. The lentivirus-SIRT2 plasmid was digested with XhoI and BamHI. Lane 1, lentivirus-vector; lane 2, lentivirus-SIRT2. (b) EpSCs were infected with lentivirus-SIRT2 or lentivirus-vector. SIRT2 expression was identified by western blots. (c) EpSCs from the SIRT2-/- mice or EpSCs from the WT mice pretreated with TrkB inhibitor (ANA12) were cocultured with M2 macrophages. EpSCs from the WT mice were infected with lentivirus-SIRT2 or lentivirus-vector for 48 h. SIRT2 and β III-tubulin levels were then detected by immunofluorescence. (Blue: DAPI; green: SIRT2; red: β III-tubulin; ×400). Scale bars: 25 µm.

Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:150~163
© Exp Neurobiol