Fig. 7. The involvement of GMF in TBI induced UCHL-1 expression in the neurons and its fiber. Induction of TBI in the cortical region enhances UCHL-1 protein expression in neurons of the midbrain as determined by immunofluorescence. Representative images show a qualitative enhancement of UCHL-1 expression in neurons (A) and its fiber (D) after weight drop induced TBI in mice brain at 24 h and 72 h time point. Bar graphs show the quantitation of the total average intensity of MAP2 (B), UCHL1 (C), NF-L (E) colocalized with UCHL-1 (F) as compared to the sham operated controls. Values are presented as mean±SEM (n=6) and expressed as percentage of control. *p<0.05 control vs. TBI subjected mice; #p<0.05 GMF-KO TBI subjected mice vs WT TBI subjected mice. Scale bar 25 µm.
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