Differences in clinical and chemical variables in subjects with higher and lower lactate-to-pyruvate ratios in the affected group

Higher ratio (>25) (n=16) Lower ratio (≤25) (n=43) t df p

Mean SD Mean SD
Lactate 28.47 15.96 16.56 6.77 -2.89 17.05 0.0102*
Pyruvate 0.83 0.47 1.20 0.41 2.91 57.00 0.0052**
Lactate-to-pyruvate ratio 40.92 26.51 14.23 4.51 -4.01 15.32 0.0011**
ADI-R Social interaction 20.50 4.23 17.86 6.86 0.07 57.00 0.1564
Communication: verbal 15.50 3.23 14.22 5.73 -0.73 42.00 0.4701
Communication: nonverbal 10.13 2.68 9.02 3.77 0.20 57.00 0.2891
Repetitive behavior 6.56 3.20 5.19 2.88 -1.58 57.00 0.1189
ADOS Communication 6.13 1.78 5.09 1.89 -1.89 57.00 0.0633
Social interaction 9.81 1.68 9.44 2.61 -0.53 57.00 0.6004
Play 1.81 1.11 1.93 1.12 0.36 57.00 0.7204
Repetitive behavior 1.06 1.00 1.30 1.44 0.61 57.00 0.5428
KEDI-WISC-R 73.33 23.77 75.12 19.74 0.23 40.00 0.8187
K-Leiter-R 69.17 18.54 73.77 15.48 0.57 17.00 0.5779
SCQ 16.88 6.20 16.58 9.37 -0.12 52.00 0.9083
SRS 87.06 19.73 88.21 32.01 0.13 56.00 0.8938
Paternal age 31.94 3.974 32.63 6.091 0.42 57.00 0.6762
Maternal age 33.81 3.885 34.98 6.585 0.66 57.00 0.5198
Prenatal events (%) 10 (62.50) 17 (39.53) χ2=2.47 1 0.1153
Perinatal events (%) 6 (37.50) 11 (25.58) χ2=0.81 1 0.3694
mtDNA CNV 162.50 44.05 164.09 42.38 0.13 57.00 0.8991
PGC-1α 0.15 0.07 0.17 0.20 0.50 52.00 0.6210

*p<0.05, **p<0.01.

ADI-R, Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised; ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; KEDI-WISC-R, Korean Educational Development Institute-Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; K-Leiter-R, Korean-Leiter International Performance scale - Revised; mtDNA CNV, mitochondrial DNA copy number variation; PGC-1α, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha methylation ratio; SCQ, Social Communication Questionnaire; SRS, Social Responsiveness Scale.

Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:314~322 https://doi.org/10.5607/en20030
© Exp Neurobiol